About us

We believe saving the bees is crucial for the environment, together we can support the bees. Buying honey and other bee farm's products support beekeepers to continue looking after bees, its a beautiful profession, passion, mission. We are also strong advocates for healthy eating and healthy living. Honey has many health benefits and can be easily incorporated into everyday diet. Come and join us into this amazing journey by following us on our social media platforms.
Our history
KMD bee farm has been created by Kacper & Martyna back in 2014. This bee farm was created with a goal of producing high quality honey. After years of experience and developing bees’ breeds in our apiary we are finally ready to get our apiary to the next level and transfer our passion into a small family business.
Kacper has been around the bees almost all his life, as he is a 4th generation beekeeper. His grandfather has introduced him into beekeeping. Working with bees and slowly understanding their behaviours helped Kacper to become beekeeper. The idea of creating his own apiary has been with him for a long time and finally in 2014 he has successfully turned his idea into reality and created his first apiary. Soon after that, naturally the expansion of sites and producing more honey happened. It took many years of hard work to develop the bee farm and turn the hobby into a profitable small family business. The products of the bee farm are not only delicious honey jars but also offer of queen bees for sale and nucks for beekeepers across the UK.
Martyna is responsible for all the social media platforms, she is the backbone of the business, taking care of the design, content, website, marketing and selling. She is also packing and shipping your products.
KMD bee farm was always our dream with the focus in mind to create family business that will produce high quality honey and other products for our costumers.
Thank You for stopping and reading our story, we hope you stay with us and enjoy our products.
You can also follow us on Instagram & TikTok (@kmdbeefarm).
Kacper & Martyna